Emirat Shriners
28. Apr. 2023
Emirat Special Ceremonial, Athens, Greece
Today's work is done. We created 20 new Nobles in Athens, Greece.

Emirat Shriners
14. Apr. 2023
Annual Communication American Canadian Grand Lodge of Germany
Ill. Potentate Frank Ullmann represented Emirat Shriners at the Annual Communication of the American Canadian Grand Lodge AF&AM of...

Emirat Shriners
21. März 2023
German Beer Mug for Shriners Central Patient Services
Our Assistant Rabban Noble Anthony Ward and our High Priest and Prophet Noble Sven Bremer present a German beer mug at the Headquarter of...

Emirat Shriners
15. März 2023
Oriental Guide Seminar & Shriners Leadership Conference
Our High Priest & Prophet, Noble Sven Bremer and his Lady Pia participated in the Shriners International Leadership Conference in Tampa,...

Emirat Shriners
6. März 2023
Shrine Recorder Seminar
Our Recorder and Past Potentate Ill. Sir Paul Curran participated in the Shrine Recorder Seminar in San Antonio, TX, USA.

Emirat Shriners
24. Feb. 2023
Annual George Washington Charity Ball, Solomon Lodge No. 822, American Canadian Grand Lodge, Germay
For the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic the George Washington Charity Ball of Solomon Lodge No. 822 took place in Stuttgart,...

Emirat Shriners
23. Feb. 2023
Emirat Shriners Charity Cigar Tasting
Today we had a great Charity Cigar Tasting with a lot of fun and of course "A Good Smoke", in Bremen, Germany. All proceeds from this...

Emirat Shriners
15. Feb. 2023

Emirat Shriners
10. Feb. 2023
Potentate`s Visit of the Rhineland Shrine Club
Today the Potentate Frank Ullmann visited the Rhineland Shrine Club in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Emirat Shriners
7. Feb. 2023
Visit of Shriners Children`s Philadelphia, PA, USA
The President of the Sicily Shrine Club Maurizio Mancuso visited Shriners Children's in Philadelphia, as an Ambassador of the Emirat...

Emirat Shriners
21. Jan. 2023
Visit of the Imperial Potentate of Shriners International in Cyprus
What a great week...! The visit of doctors and medical staff from the Shriners Hospitals for Children to the Alasia Shrine Club which is...

Emirat Shriners
14. Jan. 2023
Annual Meeting 2023
Our newly elected Divan 2023: Potentate: Ill. Sir Frank Ullmann Chief Rabban: Volker Deussen (not in the group picture) Assistant...

Emirat Shriners
18. Dez. 2022

Emirat Shriners
16. Dez. 2022
Emirat Special Ceremonial, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Together with the Sicily Shrine Club, under the Emirat Shrine Center Europe, we created 13 new Nobles today in Palermo, Italy. ​ We...

Emirat Shriners
2. Dez. 2022
Emirat Special Ceremonial, Rome, Italy
The Ritualistic Divan led by Past Potentate Ill Ward Williamson created 7 new Nobles at the House of Grande Oriente D'Italia. In the...

Emirat Shriners
11. Nov. 2022
Emirat Shriners Fall Ceremonial 2022
Today we created another 20 new Nobles in St- Leon-Rot Germany during our Fall Ceremonial 2022. Proud to be a Emirat Shriner....!

Emirat Shriners
16. Okt. 2022
Emirat Special Ceremonial, Istanbul. Turkey
Today we created 17 new Nobles in Istanbul during our Emirat Special Ceremonial!

Emirat Shriners
9. Juli 2022
Bretzelfest-Parade 2022, Speyer, Germany
Emirat Shriners had a lot of fun during the 2022 Annual Bretzefest-Parade in Speyer, Germany.

Emirat Shriners
1. Juli 2022
Imperial Session 2022 Shriners International
What a fantastic and especially for Emirat successfull Imperial Session...! ​ First of all: ​ Congratulations Ill. Past Potentate and...